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Alfa menü – Druidák október 15.
Alfa menü – Boszorkányok október 15.
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Alfa menü – Mágusok október 15.
Alfa menü – Felfedezők október 15.
Alfa menü – Kereskedők október 15.
Zén Legendái: Varázslatok szeptember 21.
Zén Legendái: Rémháború július 20.
A pillanat képe
A kalmárfejedelem titka
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Raymond E. Feist A kalmárfejedelem titka című könyvének borítóképe.
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Az emberek olyan barbárok! Miért félnek attól, amit nem ismernek?
Azzal sokra mész...

"hagyjuk nyerni a wookie-t" - ismerős mondat?
De sokkal okosabbak mint az emberek!
Azé mer öregek
És az elfek miért hanyatlanak mindig le?
hehe, most a saját oldalra mutató linket sikerült kettévágni... Ezúttal mellőzöm a kifakadást. Betesz a browser a "cimke" szóba egy szóközt, vagy egy "%20"-at, azt vedd ki, így működik rendesen a link!
1.) Mert az gyakran unalmas, egyhangú és békés. A fantasy ritkán ilyen
2.) Mert azt mindenki el tudja képzelni - hiszen bizonyos szempontból mi is éppen ezt csináljuka valódi életben is
3.) Igenis van. Ne csak Az Idő Kerekéből és a Gyűrűk Urából ítélj (Azért gondolom, mert a Harmadik Korokra hivatkozol), például az Elminster sorozat (A sorozatnak nem része az Elminster lánya c könyv; arról nem tudok véleményt mondani, mert nem olvastam) kiváló példa az épülő civilizációra. Kezdetben az emberiség alig kap teret az elfek erdei között, aztán viszont szépen megegyeznek mindenfelé, és elindul a világ oda, hogy az emberek lesznek a domináns faj (ahogy megismerjük a Forgotten Realms-t).

Remélem, kielégítő a magyarázat
Miért van az, hogy az osszes fantasy regény ilyen idoben játszódik? Az "ilyen idon" alatt azt az idot ertem, hogy egy korban (általában a harmadik kor) ami az elozo kornál sokkal bénább. A konyv elején minden nyugodt, elfeledtek mindent, aztán mire vége a konyvnek, újra az aranykorukba vannak.

Miért nincsen egy konyv, ami az aranykor (az elso kor) felépítését meséli el?

Remélem megértettek.
Tőlem kérdezed?
Akkor miért nem forditja le a BEHO?
Nemtom, nem értek hozzá. Lehet hogy csak a BEHOnak engedélyezett, vagy ilyesmi...
És nem lehetne valakinek "ajánlani", hogy ford itsák le?

Ú étre megkérni valakit, hogy fordítsa le? Mondjuk azokat akik a tobbit fordították?
ja, az is lehet.

De toluk nem vartam el, hogy valasoljanak...

Da az is lehet. Akkor felteszem nekik is.

Azt miert nem forditottatok le?
pl a BEHOtól kollektíve?
Ki mastol?
Tőlem kérdezed?
Ja, az.

Az miert nincs leforditva magyarra?
Igen, abból. A rendes címe: The World of Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time


Ez a: ROBERT JORDAN'S Wheel of Time konyvbol van?
Az tenyleg egy isszonyu jo konyv, ahhoz, hogy mindent megerts!

(Az angollal nem lesz gond )
Mivel a BEHOhu levágja a hosszú postokat, kénytelen voltam több postba írni. Érdemesebb lentről-felfelé olvasni

Moghedien, the Spider, also avoided gambling or risk taking of any kind, but not because of an innate carefulness. A sturdily handsome dark-haired woman, she was named the Spider because she preferred to lurk unseen in the shadows until her prey was safely caught in her web, rather than facing any kind of open confrontation.

Before going over to the Shadow, Lillie Moral was an “advisor for investments”, a profession that no source explains. Whatever the work entailed, it is recorded that she was cautioned a number of times, and even disciplined, for violating its ethics and the laws surrounding it.

She went over to the Shadow long before the War of Power began, but managed to keep her alliance a secret until the war had been raging for several years. During that time she acted as a spy and agent provocateur, having secured a medium-level position in Lews Therin’s command-and-staff structure. Several major disasters in the early years of the war can be directly attributed to her machinations.

Moghedien has been described as a natural-born skulker and as an out-and-out coward who scoffed at those who took open risks, but at the same time envied their achievements and hated them because she was sure they despised her for hanging back. It is known that a number of the other Forsaken did, in fact, look down on her, yet those who discounted her too far usually lived to regret it. Many people did not live to regret it. While she was never known to confront an enemy openly unless she had the upper hand or was forced to, it was said she could remember a slight until the Wheel of Time stopped turning.

How she was revealed to be a supporter of the Shadow is not known, but it is recorded that she barely escaped capture, and that several thousand people, few in any way connected to the attempt to detain her, were killed as a diversion during that escape, a matter of sabotaging a public transport system.

It is known that she headed a very effective intelligence and sabotage network, one which may in fact have been under her control well before this. Some sources say that as many deaths may be laid at Moghedien’s feet as at those of any general of the Shadow, but few of her victims were soldiers.

Her greatest asset was her ability within the World of Dreams, Tel’aran’rhiod. Within its dimensions her skills surpassed even Lanfear’s, despite the latter’s claim of sovereignty. She never dared confront or challenge Lanfear in the world of flesh, for there she could not hope to match Lanfear’s superior strength.

After escaping the Bore, she was seen masquerading as a servant in Tanchico and Amador. Captured by Nynaeve, she was held prisoner under the pseudonym of Marigan, then freed by the being known as Aran’gar. She is believed to be at large.

Unlike Semirhage, or Graendal, the Chosen called Mesaana turned to the Dark Lord because she was not the best in her profession. A woman of average height and appearance, Saine Tarasind was hardheaded, practical, and intelligent, though often taken for being dreamy because of her introspection. It has been said that she was always interested in real power, not the appearance of it. Appearances were never important to her. She wanted desperately to be a successful researcher. She spent her youth working toward that goal, aiming for the cutting edge of exploration. But her dreams were shattered when she was denied a place at Collam Daan. The board labeled her “unsuited for research,” but agreed to allow her to instruct students.

She found herself lecturing about discoveries made by others, disseminating old knowledge when she longed to seek the new. She was nothing but a lowly teacher—until she went over to the Shadow, and as Mesaana found a way to teach them all.

During the war she held several field commands for the Shadow, showing herself to be an adequate general at best but as a governor of conquered territories she blossomed. Her administration was orderly and efficient, as such things were reckoned among the Forsaken, which meant that atrocities were as well regulated as taxes and garbage collection. To the usual atrocities, Mesaana added her own refinement. Calling on her considerable skills as a teacher, she set up educational systems that were copied by others of the Forsaken; it is also possible that she administered education in territories other than her own.

These schools corrupted or damaged much of a generation of children in the conquered territories. They were required from the earliest age to spy and report not only on each other, but on their parents and neighbors; this was the least of her harm. Under her direction mobs of children and adolescents were encouraged to destroy anything which they felt might detract from the Dark One’s glory, especially museums, libraries, and research facilities. The old order, the old world, was to be rooted up and obliterated. These mobs hunted down teachers from the old schools and institutions of higher learning, scientists from the research centers, librarians and museum curators, and officials of the former government. Many members of these mobs betrayed their own parents and relatives, and in the second half of the war even carried out executions, often impromptu but at times using “courts” comprised entirely of children. The lasting effect on the memory of humankind can be seen in one fact. During the Breaking, bands of brigands looted, killed, and destroyed almost as if in a race to see whether they could smash the world before the male Aes Sedai could; the common name for these brigands was “Mesaana’s Children.”

At the time of the sealing of the Bore, Mesaana was considered just in her middle years, a little over three hundred. Upon her escape from that seal she secretly placed herself within the White Tower, where it is assumed she remains.

While Graendal had been a healer of the mind beyond compare, the woman to be known as Semirhage, then Nemene Damendar Boann, had been an equally renowned healer of the body. An unusually tall, dark-eyed woman possessed of remarkable calm and grace, Nemene Damendar was known for her ability to heal any injury, even to bring people back from the brink of death when all else had failed. She was often summoned around the world to deal with the most difficult cases, in particular to do with the brain.

In addition to being a Restorer, she was also a sadist.

Her pleasure was often exacted along with the healing. A little extra physical and mental pain was a small price to pay when compared with survival. Most patients were so grateful to be alive they made no comment about the suffering they endured at her hand. Those people she felt society could do without, however, were not so lucky. If they did not die from the torture, she killed them after. She thoroughly enjoyed giving them what she believed to be their just deserts—until the Hall of the Servants discovered her perversion.

It was sometime after the drilling of the Bore that Nemene Damendar’s secret became known, though her predilections certainly long predated the Dark One’s influence on the world. Confronted by a delegation from the Hall, she was given a choice: to be bound against violence, never to know her pleasures again, or to be severed from the One Power and cast out in disgrace from the Aes Sedai. To her, there was no choice. She became one of the first to make the journey to Shayol Ghul, one of the first to dedicate her soul to the Great Lord of the Dark.

It is certain that she added greatly to the turmoil during the last half of the Collapse. At one end of the scale was the effect of the public revelation that someone as prominent as she had gone over to the Shadow. At the other was her treatment of kidnapped members of the Hall of the Servants. Furious at the Hall for daring to value her victims over herself, Semirhage used her alliance with the Dark Lord to make them pay. She used her knowledge of the human body and her skill at manipulating pleasure and pain as an extremely effective means of torture. Her revenge was exacted every time another councilor from the Hall publicly professed adherence to the Shadow after her attentions. Few recanted that adherence, and then only after long treatment at the hands of Restorers. Even those who were finally Restored were, for the rest of their lives, more fearful of falling back into her hands than of anything else in the world.

During the war she held several field commands, proving herself a general of only average abilities. She governed several conquered territories, and her administrations were marked by a level of violence and cruelty that stands out even among the Forsaken. She forced the inhabitants of several captured cities to cooperate in torturing one another to death. Yet while these thousands of brutal deaths were very high on the scale of numbers, they were fairly low in sheer cruelty compared with some of her other actions. It was with small groups or individuals that she took the infliction of pain to what might be called an art. She spent many hours “studying” the ways in which pain could break human will and dignity, and what people could be forced to do to avoid more pain. She claimed there were no limits, except with those who managed to escape her by dying. Semirhage used the techniques perfected on members of the Hall of the Servants, while she was being sought during the Collapse, on captured soldiers and civilians who were then sent on missions against their former comrades. These missions were invariably carried out unless discovered first. Prominent prisoners were always handed over to her to be bent to the Shadow. It was Semirhage who discovered that a circle of thirteen, using thirteen Myrddraal as a sort of filter, could turn anyone who could channel to the Shadow, though she invariably preferred to handle Aes Sedai herself. She hated everyone who called themselves Aes Sedai, and took the greatest pleasure in personally breaking them, by slow increments so they could be fully aware of what was happening to the last.

Semirhage also headed a network aimed at rooting out traitors and spies not only in the captured lands, but among supporters of the Dark One as well. Her reputation was such that special precautions had to be taken to keep prisoners from committing suicide on learning that they were to be handed over to her, whether they served the Shadow or the Light.

Preferring to clothe her perfectly proportioned form in black, possibly as much because Lanfear wore white as to intimidate her “patients,” Semirhage could appear quite forbidding, or motherly and gentle. When the seal released her, she awakened to a world filled with people even more susceptible to her skills than those of her Age. She is alive and at large.

The most flashy and decadent of all the Forsaken was the woman Graendal. Though not as beautiful as Lanfear, she was quite stunning in her own way. Blond and somewhat fleshy when compared with her dark-haired rival, she sheathed her voluptuous body in clinging gowns that left little to the imagination, styling her red-gold hair in elaborate bejeweled ringlets, and surrounding herself with gorgeous half-naked servants who doted on her every whim.

Though as one of the Chosen dedicated to sensual pleasure, she had been far different before the Bore. Kamarile Maradim Nindar was a noted ascetic, not only living a spare and simple life, but preaching that others should as well. Kamarile Maradim was famed and loved around the world, if apparently more often by people who had heard of her than by those who actually knew her. Dedicated to curing those with mental illness that the One Power and Healing could not touch, she was possibly the best at subtle manipulations of the human mind who ever lived. Those who knew her well often did not like her. While her public calls for a sparse life were always moderate, in private she was inevitably abrasive and cutting toward anyone who did not live up to her standards of simplicity, which meant toward everyone.

Within ten years after the Bore was drilled, Kamarile Maradim underwent a complete metamorphosis, becoming the opposite of all she had been. Extreme hedonism replaced her asceticism. Her simple clothes were replaced with the latest and most daring styles, chosen to enhance her appearance. Sensual and sexual pleasures took primacy over everything else.

There is no evidence that this change was caused by the Dark One. Instead, it seems to have stemmed from a realization that the world could never live up to her standards. It may have been her way of showing the world her contempt for what she saw as their way of life, by taking that way to its furthest extremes, though she was reported to enjoy her pleasures greatly.

Given the troubles sweeping the world at that time, the odd behavior of this world-famous woman excited little attention, but that fact is unfortunate. There is considerable evidence that Kamarile Maradim may have been one of the first to discover what the world faced, though not until some years after her change of behavior, when the second of those who came to be called the Forsaken decided to serve the Dark One. She visited Shayol Ghul to make her oaths within the first twenty-five years of the Collapse.

Even after her behavioral metamorphosis, she still retained her worldwide fame, and made use of it, as her new affiliation was not known until she declared herself. In many ways her announcement to the world marked the beginning of the war, for before that day was done, Devaille had been seized by human adherents of the Shadow supported by the first army of Trollocs to be revealed.

Both before and after her announcement she proved to be adept at intrigue, and made use of her skills and knowledge of the mind to further the Dark One’s cause. Before the war, not only much of the general unrest but a number of highly destructive riots can be laid at her feet, and possibly the strangely harmful behavior of several people in high office as well as a number of key people’s suicides.

While not a military commander in the field during the war, Graendal apparently was responsible for a number of significant gains and for a variety of successful subversion efforts. One source says: “Graendal conquered territories as surely as any of the Shadow’s generals, but her battlegrounds were her enemies’ minds.”

After awakening from the long sleep within the seal, Graendal took over a palace in Arad Doman, staffed it with servants stolen from among the rich and powerful families of the land, and, posing as the ailing Lady Basene, began her pursuit of power.

At this writing she is still alive and believed at large.

The most powerful of the female Forsaken, possibly the most powerful of all next to Ishamael, was Lanfear, “Daughter of the Night” in the Old Tongue. She alone of the Forsaken chose her own name, claiming the territory of the World of Dreams—Tel’aran’rhiod—and other people’s dreams as her domain. Tall and lithe with pale skin and flowing midnight tresses, she was usually seen wearing gowns of purest white, often accented with a woven silver belt and jewelry in moon and star motifs. Unquestionably the most beautiful and seductive of the Chosen, Lanfear was probably one of the most beautiful women of her Age or any other.

Born Mierin Eronaile, she was not world-famous or well known, though she was respected by her colleagues. She worked at the Collam Daan, the prime center for research into the One Power, located in V’saine. She was, in fact, a member of the team which discovered the Dark One’s prison and drilled the Bore while trying to find the new source of power that seemingly could be drawn on by men and women without the divisions of saidin and saidar.

There is little doubt that she was surprised as the rest of the world to discover what actually lay beyond the hole she helped create, and she was indeed fortunate to be one of the few to survive the backlash that destroyed the Sharom and most of the Collam Daan.

From various bits of evidence it seems that Mierin was not among the first to go over to the Shadow, but when she did pledge her soul to the Dark One, it was for the most basic of reasons: love and hate.

It is certain that Lews Therin and Mierin were involved with one another for a short time, and that Lews Therin broke off the relationship some years before the drilling of the Bore, partly because she loved her association with the great Lews Therin more than she loved the man, and partly because she saw him as a path to power for herself. Mierin was never willing to accept that break and continued a determined pursuit of him. When Lews Therin, after rejecting Mierin, married Ilyena Moerelle Dalisar, about fifty years before the beginning of the War of the Shadow, Mierin reached her flash point. She attempted to disrupt the wedding ceremony and over the following year made several blatant public approaches to Lews Therin, blaming Ilyena for her “loss” of him. Shortly after this she embraced the Shadow. She never gave up on claiming Lews Therin eventually; he was the object of a number of plots by the Forsaken, mainly to capture or turn him in some way, and she was in the forefront of almost all of these.

While never a field commander, Lanfear was very useful to the Dark One both before and during the War of the Shadow. Using dreams, she guided a number of operations that turned people against established authority, creating massive riots. She is credited with winning several battles for the Shadow by the same means. She is credited with driving a number of people mad and driving others to suicide, as well as performing outright assassinations in Tel’aran’rhiod.

Aside from these useful pursuits, Lanfear served as a governor of conquered territory at least once. She was involved in many atrocities, perhaps more than most of the Forsaken, but the people she governed had more than the usual horrors of the Shadow to face; they feared sleep itself. Suicide rates were extremely high in her territory, even considering the fact that suicide was endemic in all the conquered territories.

Quite aside from her strength in the Power and her skills, her knowledge of Lews Therin, whom she had studied as a dedicated hunter might study the life and habits of her prey, was an asset to the Shadow.

When Lews Therin sealed the Bore, Lanfear was buried very deeply in the sealing, held in a dreamless sleep beyond the reach of time. As a result the long years did not affect her beauty, or the intensity of her desire for power and for Lews Therin. Upon awakening to the world, she adopted the pseudonym Selene and sought out Rand al’Thor, believing him to be somehow connected with, if not the direct reincarnation of, Lews Therin. As a result she focused most of her energies on trying to win his heart and turn him toward her and the Shadow. She apparently was killed by Moiraine Sedai when both fell through a ter’angreal doorway in Cairhien.

Probably the man among the Forsaken with the most unusual reason for turning to the Shadow is Asmodean. A dark-eyed, dark-haired, handsome man, Joar Addam Nessosin was an acclaimed composer before the War of the Shadow. Born in the small port city of Shorelle (location unknown), he was a child prodigy, in both composition and performance on a wide range of instruments. (Of these only the harp and several sorts of flute would be familiar in the modern era. He also played the shama, the balfone, the corea, and the obaen, but of these instruments nothing remains except their names.)

Joar Addam never fulfilled his early promise, at least never to the extent expected. Works he composed while as young as fifteen were performed in many of the great cities of the world, but he never rose to the exalted heights that many had foretold, and was never ranked among the great composers of the Age. It is reliably reported that his reason for dedicating his soul to the Shadow was the promise of immortality. With eternity at his disposal, surely he would reach that greatness and, perhaps even more important, the recognition of it that had eluded him.

It is believed that he never held any field commands, though he did take part in a number of battles on some level, and he served as a governor of conquered areas. By and large, his administrations were not particularly horrific compared with others of the Forsaken, though it should be remembered that all the Forsaken did such things as allow Mesaana’s mobs of children free rein, cooperate with Aginor’s “harvesters” to gather people, and make men, women, and children available rations for Trolloc garrisons. The one atrocity which was specifically his has been overlooked by some historians because it involved fewer people. It should not be. Artists of all sorts of whom he disapproved were blinded and/or otherwise maimed. Any artist—writer, musician, any at all—could become an object of Asmodean’s displeasure, but it was most particularly aimed at musicians and composers who had been considered his rivals before the war. The horror of this can only be compounded by the fact that there was no torture involved, as such; the unfortunate was simply made incapable of producing his or her art again and then released.

After escaping the Bore, he allied uneasily with Lanfear, posing as the bard Jasin Natael, until she trapped him into becoming a teacher for Rand al’Thor. He died in Caemlyn, killer unknown.

Demandred was another of the Forsaken who, like Sammael, turned against Lews Therin in the War of the Shadow for reasons of envy. He hated the Dragon even more than Sammael did, though with much less direct cause.

Before his conversion to the Dark he had been Barid Bel Medar, second only to Lews Therin Telamon as the most honored and influential man of his age. He was tall and reasonably good-looking, though not so tall as Lews Therin, and his hawk nose left him almost, but not quite, handsome.

“Almost” seemed to be the story of his life. Born one day after Lews Therin, he had almost as much strength and almost as much skill. He spent years almost equaling Lews Therin’s accomplishments and fame. If not for Lews Therin Telamon, he would have undoubtedly been the most acclaimed man of his Age. He held many high public offices and wrote books on a wide array of subjects that were both critical and popular successes. It was his misfortune that Lews Therin held even higher offices with even greater successes in those offices, and wrote books that achieved greater critical and popular acclaim.

At the beginning of the War of Power, Barid Bel quickly became one of the leading, and highest-ranking, generals in the fight against the Shadow. In a world that had no memory of war and no military, generals had to be created, and the ability to lead in war was found in many places it might not have been suspected. Barid Bel had strategic vision and a tactical flair. At last he had found an area where he could, if not surpass, at least match Lews Therin. There is reason to believe that Barid Bel thought himself intellectually far superior to Lews Therin, believing him to be an overcautious fool militarily, while he himself was a gambler, willing to play the odds. As a result he was furious when Lews Therin was appointed over him to command the forces opposing the Shadow.

Second once again, his hatred and jealousy of Lews Therin Telamon increased with every honor Lews awarded him. He apparently also made a cold calculation that, with Lews Therin in command, the Shadow was the more likely victor. In the third year of the war, he turned to the Dark Lord to avenge his overwhelming hatred of the Dragon, and was called Demandred.

Demandred was as good a general for the Shadow as he had been against it, winning many battles. Several times he served as the governor over conquered territory, but these periods were short. Each time he quickly returned to the field, not because of any love of war, but because he wanted to be personally responsible for Lews Therin’s defeat and destruction. There are some indications that he did not get along well with all the other Forsaken, and was especially cool toward Sammael, perhaps because of their competing military abilities and each one’s wish to be the one to destroy the Dragon.

It has been said that he believed that all who dishonored him should be punished, and his view of both his honor and suitable punishment was extreme. During the war he was reported to have captured two entire cities and fed every prisoner, man, woman, and child to the Trollocs just because he believed they had slighted him when he still bore the name Barid Bel Medar.

Awakening from the seal to find that Lews Therin was long dead changed nothing for Demandred. He simply transferred his hatred intact to Rand al’Thor. Demandred is currently alive and at large.

While Rahvin preferred manipulation, the Forsaken known as Be’lal the Envious was a master of it, to the point that he was often know as the Netweaver. As Duram Laddel Cham, he was the Age of Legends’ equivalent of an advocate, representing people in courts of law. That he was good at what he did is proven by the honorific third name, but not by any other source. He is the Forsaken about whom the least is known.

Some sources suggest that he, like Sammael, had been one of the leaders in the fight against the Shadow before he turned to the Dark, and that he envied and later hated Lews Therin. A tall, athletic man with close-cropped silver hair, he combined and surpassed the strengths of both Rahvin and Sammael, being both a patient and cunning planner and a capable fighter willing to do battle directly with the foe.

He went over to the Shadow during the Collapse, but whether at the beginning or end is not recorded. During the war he held several field commands, apparently proving himself a more than adequate if not outstanding general, and he governed at least one conquered region. His campaigns and his gubernatorial administration were marked by extreme violence and cruelty, but as much might be said of any of the Forsaken. Some fragments indicate that he was among those who razed the Hall of the Servants, destroying it just days before the strike that sealed him, and the other Forsaken, in the Bore.

After his escape from the seal, he carefully made his way into the nobility of Tear, and as High Lord Samon ruled Tear until he was killed by Moiraine Sedai with balefire in the Stone of Tear.

Sammael hated political intrigue, but Rahvin much preferred such diplomacy and manipulation to open conflict. A tall dark man of large build, Rahvin was quite handsome despite the white hair streaking his temples.

Nothing is known of Ared Mosinel before the Collapse, when he appeared among the highest council of the Dark One’s forces, and in truth not a great deal after. There is little doubt that he thirsted for power above all else, and turned to the Dark Lord to satisfy that thirst. It is believed that he used Compulsion discreetly, bending minds and wills to assure his constant control of any situation.

Under the Shadow he held both military commands and political office, and while he was a fair general, it was in the political and diplomatic areas that his abilities blossomed, though with a decided bent toward manipulation. He is credited with causing several regions to surrender to the Dark One’s forces without actual invasion. The regions he governed for the Shadow were efficiently if harshly administered, though often with a lack of attention to detail.

Rahvin’s two major weaknesses were his love of sycophancy and his fondness for women. Many people gained positions in his administration by flattering him, although he was quick to remove them if the proved too unsuited to the position. And although a handsome man he could not stand rejection. His lovers were seldom allowed any choice in the matter. Much of the laxity of his administration can be attributed to time spent with his lovers.

Once free of the Bore, he adopted the name Gaebril and seduce Queen Morgase of Andor, using Compulsion to turn her into a besotted pet, and ruling Andor from behind the throne until he was killed with balefire by Rand al’Thor.
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